Friday, August 26, 2005

Unions manipulate Councillors in political campaign

Councils are being dragged into the Federal government's Industrial Relations reforms and rate payers are going to be the political and financial victims. At Monday night's Council meeting the Lord Mayor dropped onto our desks with 24 minutes notice a complex Lord Mayoral Minute attacking the Howard government's IR reforms (read the LM Minute here).

I found it a contradiction that the Lord Mayor was attacking the government for proposing to centralise the IR system and made the point that she and other independents regularly call for the abolition of the state governments in their vision for a two tiered system of government. 'Centralising power to eradicate duplication and inefficiencies' I seemed to recall. I suggested that the Council stop hiding behind huff and puff indignation and call a spade a spade! The Lord Mayor and City of Sydney does not like the Howard government's politics. I even suggested we add a new standing item to our Council meeting agenda to read: The City of Sydney codemns the Howard government for ............. Because in the past few months the Council has condemned the Howard government for introducing Voluntary Student Unionism and approving the Airport redevelopment. The Lord Mayor regulary attacks the Federal government for 'not engaging in the the planning for the city' yet fails to acknowledge freight rail and port reforms driven by the only government in this country focused on building a stronger economy.

Now we have the latest political campaign manipulating rate payer's scarce money to fight a union driven campaign on behalf of the left. The silliness of last Monday will be surpassed by the irresponsibility of Newcastle Council prohibiting companies from tendering for Council goods and services if they have Australian work place agreements in their work place. As the media release below points out AWA's are legal and the legality of this prohibition is very questionable and should be subject to court challenges. Residents and ratepayers should be very concerned about this irresponsible action from Labor, Greens and left wing Independents.

Media Release from Hunter Business Chamber
23 August 2005
Newcastle Council blackbans businesses

The proposed ban by Newcastle City Council on businesses that employ people on Australia Workplace Agreements is a classic case of party politics overwhelming logic, Hunter Business Chamber CEO, Glenn Thornton, said today. “We understand that councillors may have strong opinions on the proposed industrial relations changes, but banning companies from tendering for council work is simply ridiculous. “Workplace agreements are presently part of the legal industrial relations structure of Australia and Council might well find itself in very difficult situations if it implements this ban. It is our belief that Newcastle Council should be seeking advice on this proposed ban in relation to possible breaches of the Trade Practices Act, the Local Government Act and the Workplace Relations Act (Freedom of Association).” Mr Thornton said the business sector is struggling to understand the relevance of this Council decision to its core responsibilities of providing services to ratepayers. The Chamber would argue that tenders should be assessed on merit rather than whether or not AWA’s exist within a company. “It doesn’t take much imagination to see that council ratepayers could be paying more for services because of this ban. After all, more than 80 per cent of businesses employ fewer than 20 people and, in most of them, people either work on workplace agreements or contracts; these companies will no longer be able to tender for council contracts if this ban is implemented. And what of existing contractors, will they now be checked for employment structure suitabilities?” Mr Thornton said Hunter Business Chamber was surprised and disappointed that Councillors would even consider adopting the ban. Chamber members employ tens of thousands of people in the Hunter – some under union agreements and others under workplace agreements. As most business people know, the Chamber has taken a very public stance that it is opposed to any misuse of the industrial relations system by either rogue employers or employees. The Business Chamber calls on Newcastle City Councillors to review firstly, the true charter of Council and secondly, this proposed ban as soon as possible.


Anonymous said...

you should understand that the Howard government is destroying the social cohesion of this country. you should join the Labor party and fight this cancer!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This "complex" Lord Mayoral Minute you refer to is about a complex as reading the back of the corn flakes packet.
If you can't cope with this, go back to your Danish flower garden.

Anonymous said...

NO Shayne - Call a spade a shovel adn relaise all jobs are under threat with John Howard in control.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Business interests are not residents' interests.

Shayne Mallard said...

Thanks Bill, With only 24 minutes before a long and detailed Council meeting - nay report or mayoral minute is unacceptable. never mind time to read it and consider the significant implications - but what about consulting our constiuencies. Well I gues consultation is fine if it suits our predetermined positions and prejudices.

Anon (no name gain?) - Contrary - more jobs have been created under the Howard governemnt's sound responsible financial mangement of our economy than any other governemnt in history. the only jobs under threat from these reforms are those who take a ride on the back of the work collegues. Socialism is dead in the workforce in the private sector.

Anon 2 - And I strongly disagree. Business interests are community interests. When I last looked jobs and the supply of goods and services were all ranked pretty high as key indicators for a sustainable community. Even the communists Chinese have worked this one out. Shayne

Shayne Mallard said...

James(is that your real name?), thanks for your virtual anonymous flaming of my blog site - not. let us know your one so we can enjoy your intellectual brilliance and courage for open debate.