Thursday, September 08, 2005

Significant Tree Register

In March 2004 the Council was involved in efforts to prevent the removal of heritage fig trees in the Domain as proposed by the Botanic Gardens Trust. As part of that legal battle it emerged that COS did not have an up-to-date tree preservation policy. Council lost the battle to save the fig trees but in the process we prioritised the management of trees in the city and developed a comprehensive suite of tree management policies. One of these is the Significant Tree Register being tabled for adoption at the next Council meeting. The STR is an initiative I had advocated at the former South Sydney City Council and for which I strongly advocated at the COS.

The Significant Tree Register identifies and recognises the importance of significant trees in the City’s local government area, an area that has been subject to much change and expansion. The Register will help guide management of the trees that contribute to the environmental, cultural and social character of the City, and ensure their continued protection for the benefit of the community and for future generations. The report seeks the endorsement from Council to publicly exhibit the City’s Draft Significant Tree Register for comment.


Anonymous said...
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Shayne Mallard said...

James(is that your real name?), thanks for your virtual anonymous flaming of my blog site - not. let us know your one.

All donations to my campaigns are disclosed per the laws of Australia and policies of Council. I sincerely thank those who support my campaigns because without them (and its the same for Greens or Clover Moore - dont duck that one) we could not get our message out in the campaign. SM

Shayne Mallard said...

you need to read more carefully the detail of my blog articles. I stated that I did not question the need to remove the trees for public safety (regretable as this is). My (and all other four non-Moore Councillors are critical of the announcement and process - yet again occurring in a Council recess. SM